
People ask me:

Why are you different from everybody else? Why are the results different?

I’m not here to regurgitate what you can already read on Google. I don’t teach business from a textbook. I teach it from experience, the mind and the heart. I help you connect the dots in a heart centered way resulting in one of the most explosive, life changing, personal transformation experiences you will ever have in your life. This level of growth starts from the inside out. You will NEVER find this type of business + personal training for nurses by a nurse anywhere else.

I have coupled years of business experience and nursing experience with a community of nurses who have high-level business success and nurses that are just starting out. And you know what happens when you get a group of women and nurses together..they rally together to form an unstoppable tribe. A tribe that supports and teaches it’s own to be independent, safe and secure. When we rally behind one another we become stronger and more prosperous.


And I remember when I was a full-time registered nurse (20 years). The back-to-back 12-hour schedules and high-stress levels had become unrelenting.

Life took some unexpected turns, as it so often does, and I was forced to lose my home and my savings as I became a single mom of two young children overnight.

I was an overworked, exhausted and stressed nurse with my back against the wall and a ceiling right above my head. I couldn’t make ends meet and I felt completely stuck and trapped.

That’s when I knew. I’d never be able to give my kids everything they deserved (my time, resources, attention), afford my bills, and live the lifestyle I’d always wanted on my capped nursing income.

After some serious soul-searching and plenty of hard work, I launched my independent legal nurse consulting practice.

10+ years later, I can honestly say it’s been one of the best decisions I’ve made. Creating an LNC practice and opening a medical spa has been an adventure I wouldn’t trade for the world.

Now my passion is empowering ambitious, motivated nurses like you who are determined to let go of the fear and rise to life’s opportunities.

I love taking your gift of caring and connecting with people who need your help and translating it into a powerful business and an abundant lifestyle. The kind that leaves your clients saying, “I couldn’t have done this without her.” And the kind that results in freedom and the ability to put you and your family first.

Whether you’re looking to move up the ladder to a healthcare leadership role or you want to launch or refine a nurse-owned business like legal nurse consulting, you are a part of a movement of nurses who are impacting the world and changing their lives through entrepreneurship. And it’s growing every day.

You’re not alone in believing your passion for changing lives and making a difference is a perfect launchpad for a soulful, successful business.


Be a part of the Nurses Rising movement. Cherish the inspiration, support and resources that working together can provide. It’s time to set your dreams free as we rise TOGETHER!


I want to impress upon every nurse walking the corridors of a healthcare facility, that Nurses Rising is my way of sharing a safe place with beautiful souls who are walking on this confusing but beautiful path with you. I know from experience, it is a relief to be lead on this journey of self-discovery, leadership and entrepreneurship with a down to earth, non-judgy friend who just happens to have been exactly where you are. Wouldn’t you love to have a safe place with a tested process that helps you rise above the clinical bedside and empowers you to soar into your future?

I got your back! I am committed to serve you and offer as much free value as possible. I want to help make your life easier and less stressful. I want you to gain your energy and passion for life back. I want you to feel free to make choices that benefit your life, not your boss’.

My digital and online programs are offered as an investment. But I promise you the development of these programs are time-tested and accumulated over years of hard word, sweat equity and crazy years of experience and know-how. This will save you the time and money you need to invest back into yourself. I’ve made our free community and segments and fee based programs as comprehensible and life changing as possible. It will be one of the best investments you can make to change your life.

It’s Time to rise and set your dreams free


“But those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not faint”

Isaiah 4:31



Empower + Be Empowered

Business + personal empowerment is new to many of us. Commit to growth, be open to the unfamiliar and share the love. We’ve got each other’s back.


Keep it Reals!

Acknowledge and share your willingness to acknowledge where you’re at and where you want to be. You’ll be surprised how many nurses share your struggles and your opportunities. Let’s win together.


Trust your Intuition

Listening and trusting your intuition is a powerful tool for nurses on the clinical floor and in life. Trust your path and commit to the process. We’re in this thing together.