For Legal Nurse Consultants and All Nurse Entrepreneurs

Looking for a like-minded, supportive + affordable peer mastermind for Legal Nurse Consultants and all Nurse entrepreneurs that could seriously enhance your business start-up and growth?

Join the 90-Day Success Groups to get sound advice and support from other LNCs and nurse entrepreneurs who are determined to take their businesses to the next level. 

Trust me, you really don’t have to do it all alone! 

Where will you be in 90 days?


  • being connected to a supportive tribe of nurses who inspire you. 
  • having your own cheerleaders who push you to go beyond what you imagine for yourself.
  • being surrounded by like-minded nurses who “get you” but still able to hold you accountable.
  • having a 90-day vision plan with step-by-step doable actions so you get more done in 90-days than you have in the last 6 months!
  • working closely with a group of nurses who help each other succeed and grow 
  • not building and growing your business alone!

How do you think this would fast-track you for success in business and in life?

What is the Virtual 90-Day Success Group?


Our Success Groups involve a written out 90-day vision plan with live calls, online check-ins and virtual (video) meetings that inspire legal nurse consultants and nurse entrepreneurs to collectively advance each other’s personal and business goals.  We use a proven system of high-level support, accountability and masterminding with like-minded nurse entrepreneurs to push goals and action steps through a 90-day period, in small bite-sized pieces and with support. Believe me, it’s easier to achieve long-term goals when you attack them in small chunks with a support system by your side.

The 90-Day Success Group is an intimate group of 3-6 legal nurse consultants (as well as any nurse entrepreneurs) matched based on industry and like-minded goals. The Groups will receive:


  • Weekly virtual/online check-ins with business lessons from founder Erica Leach, RN, BSN, LNC to get rich content and engage with your Group for giving and getting feedback. 
  • Monthly Partner Calls + Video Masterminds to access the brainstorming, guidance, advice, and support of high-level nurses. 
  • 90-Day Vision Plan with action steps established to help keep goals at the forefront and stay on track.


Look, successful people like Oprah Winfrey, Tim Ferriss and Seth Godin all consider 90-day peer-to-peer planning to be a huge key to their success. So why wouldn’t you?


90 days is proven to be the range where ambition and planning actually fall reasonably close together.


Looking ninety days out, gives you a good idea of what you can actually get done in that time frame, so your capacity estimations are about right and yet you can make some very substantial progress towards a big goal.


90-days of planning and masterminding with like-minded nurses leads to moving your business forward faster without compromising strategy. Having goals and visions for three or five years down the line is valuable, but it’s often not very helpful to try and plan out concrete steps—there’s just too much that has to get done which feels overwhelming and leads to inaction (I know we are all familiar with that, right?).

If you are ready to take your life and business to the next level, Success Groups is for you.  Erica, has created a unique and synergistic opportunity that will impact your life forever.  Together, with other brilliant and passionate nurses  like yourself, you will become empowered to reach beyond limitations and achieve your goals.  Weekly, dreams become realities! Don’t hesitate and don’t delay! Success Groups is the solution you have been looking for!

Christina Rampersad

Board Certified Coach, Owner of Success Beyond the Brink

Our 4 Pillars to 90-Day Success



Success Group for Nurses: 

$229/month per month/ x 3 months

A minimum 3-month commitment is required.


My Success Group felt natural and comfortable. There is a real sense of accountability with the weekly reflections and checking in. Video meetings keep us feeling support from our LNC sisters (we just happened to all be female). Partner calls were a time to help each other and encourage as a friend talking on the phone would. I feel that these groups are a great way for nurses to have a feeling of comradery and collaboration. I will join other events with Erica in the future.
Sandra Krug

CRNA, RRT, Owner of Krug Consulting Firm

The Success Group literally changed my whole perspective on starting my legal nurse consulting business. Erica and my group held me accountable for completing and reaching the goals I set forth for my business. In my last 90 day round, I updated my LNC website with new content, developed a marketing video (put together by Erica’s resources), and created my marketing material. I also developed a clear marketing strategy and began reaching out to attorney prospects. I even gained my first attorney client in these 90 days! My Success Group was filled with dynamic women who supported each other, gave advice, motivated each other and we are bonded like “Sisters.” I will definitely be joining the next round of the 90-day Mastermind for LNCs.
Kim Browne

RN, BSN, CLNC, Owner of San Fernando Valley Nurse Consulting Group

Do you know if Success Groups is Right For You?

Schedule a complimentary call to find out if the Success Group is a good fit for you & your business. If you know it is, enroll now and let’s do this..TOGETHER!

Schedule a 15 minute Consult CallI know I want in. Register me now!

Hey, I’m Erica (my friends call me, “E”)

As a full-time nurse trying to build my legal nurse consulting business I found myself overwhelmed, scattered and always busy. I was busy without results. I joined a monthly mastermind with a group of high-level women entrepreneurs and my results were amazing. Having the help of these amazing women who understood where I was and where I wanted to go freed me to conquer and flourish in my business. People ask me all the time, “how do you find time to run two full-time businesses, write books, create programs, speak at events, support a family, and still have time for yourself?” 90-DAY VISION PLANNING AND SUCCESS GROUPS IS EXACTLY HOW I DO IT! I get so much done it’s incredible. My resources, finances, opportunities, knowledge, and growth has increased every round of Groups that I am committed to.

I wish I had this type of personal and intimate support and guidance when I first started my legal nurse consulting business over 10 years ago. That’s why I am sharing this with you! 

If you can relate, I invite you to gain access to a group of strong and dedicated nurses like you to help each other flourish. I will be with you each step of the way. You don’t have to do it alone. Let’s grow successful TOGETHER!

“Empowered Nurses, Empower Nurses. Let’s band together and watch powerful things happen!” – Erica


Registration for this round of Success Groups is now closed.

Our Next Round Will Start on

October 17, 2022









Frequently Asked Questions

What is the 90-Day Mastermind Success Group?
Our 90-Day Mastermind has been developed and led by Erica Leach, RN, CLNC, to offer you intentional + strategic growth of your business in 90-day chunks. Through community benchmarks, accountability, and support, our Success Groups help each nurse achieve massive goals in smaller windows of time. Each of our intimate Success Groups is comprised of 3-6 nurse entrepreneurs.
What is expected of me during the 90-day Mastermind?
You are expected to be a part of our:


  • Weekly Checkins and Reflections on Mondays/Fridays: You will post online and comment on each other’s postings
  • 1 virtual group mastermind call per month: We will schedule a day and time each month that works for everyone
  • 2 partner calls per month: You will be assigned 1 -2 partners per month for a private, one-on-one discussion
Are there any perks being a part of the 90-Day Virtual Mastermind?
You will receive perks as a member of our Success Groups. You will gain:


  • New friends who get you and support you
  • Discounts to all of Nurses Rising’s programs and events
  • At times, you may receive free videos, webinars, and tutorials
How much time is involved?
You determine the amount of time you put into this Mastermind. 
Studies have shown that successful CEOs invest 1-3 hours per day in their self-development. Based on our core system, you can estimate approximately 2-3 hours per week for self-reflection, masterminding and supporting each other.


A key benefit many nurses appreciate is that the time it takes to mastermind is also the time they pour into their business. This opportunity allows you to work your business and have fun at the same time. You won’t believe how much more time you will carve out to work on your business!

Many professional masterminds are more expensive. Why is the 90-Day Virtual Mastermind so affordable?
We’ve worked hard to price the program at a range that many nurses can access. The more members we have, the easier it is for us to keep the price lower than most. Our mission is to give nurses an amazing opportunity to connect and grow without being stressed over the financial investment.
I reside in another country. Does it matter where I live?
Does it matter where I live? 
No! This is a virtual online program that was designed for the busy nurse entrepreneur to access from anywhere. We have members from Florida to California, from Malta to England. As long as you have access to Wifi, you are good to go.