25 Tips for Expert Witnesses

25 Tips for Expert Witnesses -S. Babitsky, Esq. Understand The Question Listen to the question. Pay attention. You cannot tell the truth if you have not heard and understood the question. If you do not understand the question, you must ask the questioner to make the...
Turn Your New Year Goals Into a Reality!

Turn Your New Year Goals Into a Reality!

  Many of us let every year happen by chance. Have you ever said this to yourself when thinking about the future? Whatever happens, happens I will figure it out as I go I hope I will make more money this year I’d like to get my masters degree this year, but we’ll...

Do Nothing and Grow Your Business

Do nothing and grow your business? Hey guys, As I sit here at my beach pad in Sarasota I am sending this email with love and adoration. I want to share a business building mindset shift as I think about all of you. I, just like you experience the frenzy and chaos of...